How slow your Network connection?
Does everything you do on the net from your phone take for ever? Have you checked how long the latency is?
In many Operators network the system is overloaded so everything goes slowly.
Here is a small tool to measure the network round trip time.
So that you can put numbers to your frustrations.
Ping is the normal tool, but is is difficult to find a suitable end point. This tools uses either DNS queries to measures the round trip time or HTTP request to google. For each request it measures the round trip time.
It is not scientific in any way but gives a quick picture of the network latency
You can email the log
Why this app?
When using Telia Sonera network I noticed that my Internet Radio stopped working, I though that it was my phones fault, there was no to see if the network was slow. So I wrote this app to measure the network latency.
Bugs: Probably
Have opinions about the app? please mail me.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">如何减缓你的网络连接?
当使用商Telia Sonera公司的网络我发现我的网络电台停止工作,不过,我觉得这是我的手机故障,也没有看到,如果网络很慢。所以我写了这个程序,来测量网络延迟。
对应用程序的意见?请mail给我。</div> <div class="show-more-end">